What if young people suffering from social exclusion could be helped to tackle the challenges of post-COVID times through new connection tools?
That’s the main goal of a brand new project called #CONTINUE, funded by the European programme Erasmus+ and made possible by the cooperation of eight organizations: Comparative Research Network from #Germany, People’s Voice Media from #UK, Crossing Borders from #Denmark, Fajdp – Federação das Associações Juvenis do Distrito do Porto from #Portugal, Per Esempio Onlus and #YouthEuropeService from #Italy, Artemisszió Alapítvány from #Hungary and Active Youth Projects from #Lithuania.
CONTINUE will directly involve disadvantaged young people in different activities in order to enhance the #interaction between individuals, their communities and the pan-European dimension.
This will happen through local and European participatory events, local social actions implemented by the youth and an online platform created for sharing tools, learning and exchanging experiences. Moreover, CONTINUE will develop policy recommendations about supporting disadvantaged youth and will create different campaigns to foster their participation and inclusion.
Last week our project was officially kicked off online, but now we look forward to meeting and working together in presence, towards new exciting horizons.