Media Reports

Rosa (Matosinhos) COVID19 – PORTUGAL
Rosa Snapshot about her experience during COVID19 pandemia.

COVID Young Person Reflective Interview
A reflective interview with a young person sharing their experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic as part of the CONTINUE Project.

Vito pandemic’s experience
Antonio tell us how tecnology help to stay in contact with friends

Rita (Matosinhos) COVID19 – PORTUGAL
Rita from Portugal about COVID19 pandemic.

COVID Young Person Reflective Interview
A reflective interview with a young person exploring their experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic as part of the CONTINUE Project.

Santain Settimio pandemic experience
Santain Settimio tells us that he was lucky to pass the pandemic with his partner and have the opportunity to learn new technological skills.

Palma and her experience of pandemic
Palma tells us how her relationship with family and friends has changed during the pandemic.

Covid-19 personal experience
A youngster tells his experience during covid-19 pandemic.

Marta and her daily routine during pandemic
Marta tells us about her difficulties during the pandemic, the emergence of her anxiety and the lack of her daily routine such as going to the academy and seeing friends.

Safwen, Ivan, Ayoub and Yassin experience of pandemic
Safwen, Ivan, Ayoub and Yassin tell of their experience of pandemic.

Conversation about covid-19 experiences
Two youngsters having a conversation about their experiences during covid-19 pandemic.

Giulia and her experience of pandemic
Giulia tells us how difficult it was to interrupt the relationship with fellow university students and distance learning during the pandemic.

Covid-19 personal experience
A youngster tells her experience during covid-19 pandemic.

Destiny and the positive and negative sides of his experience of pandemic
Destiny tells us about the positives and negatives of the pandemic and how it experienced them.

Stephane and his experience of pandemic
Stephane tells about how he lived the pandemic, going through up and down moments.